Green Plan | Envrionment

The Artists' Union Associates Itself with the Cemetery's Green Plan

MD Cimetiere Notre Dame 132 }

For the second year of implementation of the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery's green plan, the Artists' Union and Foundation announce their support for and association with the cemetery’s objectives of reducing its impact on the environment and maximizing its contribution to the development of biodiversity on Mount Royal.

July 19, 2022

The Artists' Union and The Artists' Foundation hold two major concessions at the Cemetery that total over 2,000 sq. ft. Since their creation in the heart of the cemetery, these concessions have been home to many artists who've developed and enriched Montreal’s and Quebec’s cultural life in their professional lives.


As part of the agreement between the parties, The Artists' Union and their subsequent Foundation agree to have their land included in the ecological restoration project of the cemetery grounds, which involves replacing the grassy areas with a variety of native and/or biodiversity-friendly perennials approved for planting and representing species found in Mount Royal’s natural environment.


A variety of plant species will be featured in the new landscape. The first zone will be seeded with “Eco-Louse” mix, which includes the following species: yarrow, woodland strawberry, ground ivy, allheal, wall pepper and dwarf thyme. The second zone will be seeded with “Renature Sauvage” mix, which includes the following species: cornflower, black-eyed Susan, yarrow, red fescue, Canada bluegrass, sheep fescue, birdsfoot trefoil, Rocky Mountain fescue and white clover.


This transformation of the land’s vegetation cover will significantly reduce maintenance work, eliminate the use of polluting practices and equipment, enhance biodiversity for the benefit of Mount Royal’s flora and fauna and increase the area’s resilience to climate change.


The land conversion work is underway, and the seeding of the new species is complete. The Cemetery will monitor the growth of the new species regularly and maintain the grounds using methods and equipment that limit noise and other forms of pollution, and that consider the grounds’ aesthetic and landscape qualities. These environmentally friendly practices will include the pruning of plants in cold periods and the natural composting of pruning residues.


“The green plan, which we began implementing two years ago, brings together a series of initiatives aimed at significantly improving our environmental performance to meet the expectations of our clients, while developing a range of new services that allow our clients and bereaved families to participate in the ecological conversion of the entire site. These collaborative agreements with the Union des artistes and the Artists’ Foundation illustrate the new partnerships that will allow us to move forward, and we are very pleased about it,” says Éric Choinière, Customer Service Direction at the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges Cemetery.

About the Artists' Union

The Union des artistes (UDA) is a professional union representing 13,000 artists in four artistic fields: actors, singers, hosts and dancers. The UDA represents professional artists working in French in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada, as well as all artists working in a language other than French except in a production made and performed in English and intended primarily for an English-speaking audience.



About the Artists’ Foundation

The Artists' Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide one-time financial assistance to local artists going through a difficult period. The assistance is aimed at artists from all disciplines, allowing them to pursue their vocations.



You can now book an appointment with one of our advisors. Our advisors will be able to help you with the purchase of concessions, monuments and memorabilia, as well as pre-arrangements and support in the event of death.

If you are awaiting for the names of your loved ones to be engraved or inscribed for the mausoleums Marguerite Bourgeoys (M4), La Pietà (M5), Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul (M6), or Sainte-Marguerite-D'Youville (M8), rest assured that we will contact you as soon as we have processed your request.


Please note that our offices receive a high volume of calls regarding requests for ash burials. If you have already submitted such a request in the past, please be assured that we will get back to you as soon as we have reviewed your file. If your request for an ash burial has not yet been submitted, we urge you to complete the form. Thank you for your understanding.


Our website is evolving to serve you better. Thank you for your patience during this transition period. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions, suggestions, or requests for information. 

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