
The Fabrique Asks the CSN to Finalize Agreements

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A return-to-work protocol, containing the usual provisions, was also submitted to the unions on June 15, 2023.

June 29, 2023

The settlement recommendation outlines guaranteed employment floors for both groups of employees, wage increases of 23% until 2027, the duration of the collective agreements, which would expire December 31, 2027, and the submission of a joint petition to the Ministry of Labour aimed at improving labour relations.


The recommendation signed by the parties states that the union unanimously undertook, in the presence of the chief mediator/conciliator, to present this recommendation to their members at a general meeting on June 28, 2023, and strongly recommend its acceptance.


It was also agreed that the unions would stop pressure tactics and keep the content of the recommendation confidential until it was presented to their members at a general meeting.


A return-to-work protocol, with the usual provisions, was also submitted to the unions on June 15, 2023. The unions asked for two separate protocols and resumed their pressure tactics, including repeated picketing in front of the homes of several volunteer administrators. They also submitted several new, unexpected monetary demands, and further intervention by the chief mediator/conciliator was required to enable an agreement to be reached on the return-to-work protocols.


“Today, we address the leaders of the CSN and the Presidents of the operations and clerical staff unions, Patrick Chartrand and Éric Dufault. In the presence of the chief mediator/conciliator, you signed the settlement recommendation. Today is June 29. You can and must resolve this conflict, which has gone on for too long, by honouring your commitments. We’ve gone above and beyond to make you the best possible offers. We’ve accepted the mediator/conciliator's settlement recommendation and will honour our commitment. Now, we need to finalize the agreements and resume cemetery activities as soon as possible to respect the bereaved families and those of the deceased,” says Michel St-Amour, Fabrique de la paroisse Notre-Dame volunteer administrator.

Due to the snow accumulation caused by the blizzard, we are working hard to secure the site. The Cemetery is open, but please note that only the main roads are accessible, as well as those impacted by scheduled burials. We are not responsible for any damage to your vehicle. Thank you for your understanding. 


Our website is evolving to serve you better. Thank you for your patience during this transition period. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions, suggestions, or requests for information. 


The Search for a Loved One feature is now available again. We thank you for your patience with this matter.


If you are awaiting for the names of your loved ones to be engraved or inscribed for the mausoleums Marguerite Bourgeoys (M4), La Pietà (M5), Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul (M6), or Sainte-Marguerite-D'Youville (M8), rest assured that we will contact you as soon as we have processed your request.


Please note that our offices receive a high volume of calls regarding requests for ash burials. If you have already submitted such a request in the past, please be assured that we will get back to you as soon as we have reviewed your file. If your request for an ash burial has not yet been submitted, we urge you to complete the form. Thank you for your understanding.

Ash Burial Request Form