Funeral Terms


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Do you need clarification on certain words? It's perfectly normal. The funeral industry contains a complex vocabulary that sometimes requires some learning. Consult our glossary for a list of definitions of funeral terms.

BURIAL: Placement of the deceased's ashes or corpse in a burial site, provided they are first placed in a cinerary urn or casket or any other suitable container.


CANCELLATION: The termination of the contract before the expiry of the projected term.


CEMETERY: Grounds, buildings, woods, roads, aisles, fences, hedges, borders, trees and shrubs, all owned by an entity and constitution a complex intended for the burial of the deceased or their ashes,


CINERARY URN: Container containing the ashes of a deceased person; also called funerary urns or burial urns.


COLUMBARIUM: Funerary building or installation designed for the internment of the deceased's ashes. These installations can be indoors or outdoors and include niches, in which one or more cinerary urns are placed. The plural form of columbarium is columbaria.

CONCESSION: An authorization granting, by means of a concession contract, the use of an urn burial space, a plot, a niche, a crypt, a tomb or another similar site for the sole purpose of disposing of the body or the ashes of the deceased per the act and regulations in force.

CONCESSION HOLDER: An individual who has signed a concession contract. 

CREMATORIUM: Establishment or structure in which the bodies of the dead are cremated.


CRYPT: A chamber built into the wall of a mausoleum, then sealed and covered with a white marble slab bearing the inscription of the deceased.

DISINTERMENT: The act of removing ashes or a body from its burial site.


DOUBLE CRYPT: A crypt designed for two people side by side.

FUNERAL: A time for survivors and friends to see the deceased in private, usually in a room at the funeral home.


FUNERARY MARKER: Any monument, decoration, inscription, and other funerary markers with a funeral vocation, produced by a concession holder or at the request of a concession holder, and intended to commemorate the name of a deceased, or to identify or decorate a plot or an urn burial space.


FUNERAL WORK: Any monument, decoration, inscription or other funerary work created by or at the request of a leaseholder to commemorate the name of a deceased person or to identify or decorate a plot or burial site.

GRAVE OR BURIAL PLACE: The burial of human remains in a niche, coffin or crypt. This term also designates the place where human remains are deposited.


HEARSE: A vehicle designed to transport a coffin from the funeral site to the cemetery.


INTERNMENT: Disposal of a body or the ashes of a deceased person in a burial site, including in the ground, in a crypt or in a columbarium.


  • CRYPT INTERNMENT: Burial of a coffin in a cemetery or mausoleum. The coffin is then placed in a crypt which is a chamber cut into a wall, then sealed and covered with a marble slab bearing the deceased's inscription.
  • ASH INTERNMENT: Burial of an urn in a cemetery. You can also choose to keep the urn or place it in a niche in a columbarium.


MAINTENANCE: The action of maintaining the Cemetery in good condition by performing, as needed, the repairs and work considered necessary such as lawn trimming, landscaping, road, signage, parking, irrigation, sewer and drainage system maintenance, and fencing.

MAUSOLEUM: A funerary building in which the deceased's remains are placed in niches and crypts.

MEMORIAL SERVICE: Service or ceremony held in memory of the deceased without the presence of the body.


NICHE: Space, windowed or not, developed in an indoor or outdoor columbarium to receive one or more cinerary urns in perpetuity. Outdoor niches are in marble whereas indoor ones can be either in marble or glass.


OBITUARY: A note that survivors publish in the death section of a newspaper, or on the Internet, indicating a person's death and giving details of the funeral.

PIT: A hole dug in the ground to bury a deceased person.


PLOT: A piece of land in a cemetery, the object of a concession contract, for which a family or individual purchases burial rights and where the remains or ashes of one or more deceased persons are interred. 


PREARRANGEMENTS: Contract between a person and a funeral home that determines the arrangements to be made at the time of that person's death: viewing, cremation, funeral.

PROCESSION: The procession of vehicles accompanying the hearse from the place of service to the cemetery. This can also apply to church funerals, where mourners follow the casket into or out of the church.

URN BURIAL: The disposition in the earth of the ashes of a deceased in a funerary site, subject to their previous deposition in a cinerary urn or an appropriate container.

URN BURIAL SPACE: A plot of land, the object of a concession contract, where the ashes of a deceased are deposited exclusively.

You can now book an appointment with one of our advisors. Our advisors will be able to help you with the purchase of concessions, monuments and memorabilia, as well as pre-arrangements and support in the event of death.

If you are awaiting for the names of your loved ones to be engraved or inscribed for the mausoleums Marguerite Bourgeoys (M4), La Pietà (M5), Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul (M6), or Sainte-Marguerite-D'Youville (M8), rest assured that we will contact you as soon as we have processed your request.


Please note that our offices receive a high volume of calls regarding requests for ash burials. If you have already submitted such a request in the past, please be assured that we will get back to you as soon as we have reviewed your file. If your request for an ash burial has not yet been submitted, we urge you to complete the form. Thank you for your understanding.


Our website is evolving to serve you better. Thank you for your patience during this transition period. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions, suggestions, or requests for information. 

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