Contact Form

Ash Burial Request

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If your niche or plot has already been purchased, the next step would be request a burial of ashes. To do this, please complete the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible once we have received the form.


For casket burials (in-ground or in-crypt), please note that you must contact the funeral home in question.


For cremation services including the purchase of a crypt or concession, please visit our page for more information.

Please note that a confirmation message is displayed on our website once the form has been received.

Executor's Information
Information of the Deceased
Place of residence
Common law spouse
Family Concession's Information
Maison funéraire
Lieu de résidence d'un membre de la famille

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You can now book an appointment with one of our advisors. Our advisors will be able to help you with the purchase of concessions, monuments and memorabilia, as well as pre-arrangements and support in the event of death.

If you are awaiting for the names of your loved ones to be engraved or inscribed for the mausoleums Marguerite Bourgeoys (M4), La Pietà (M5), Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul (M6), or Sainte-Marguerite-D'Youville (M8), rest assured that we will contact you as soon as we have processed your request.


Please note that our offices receive a high volume of calls regarding requests for ash burials. If you have already submitted such a request in the past, please be assured that we will get back to you as soon as we have reviewed your file. If your request for an ash burial has not yet been submitted, we urge you to complete the form. Thank you for your understanding.


Our website is evolving to serve you better. Thank you for your patience during this transition period. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions, suggestions, or requests for information. 

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